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19th century travel maps
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James Wyld. "The Atlantic Steam Packet Chart shewing the Line of Communication with North America and the West Indies." London: John Wyld, 1840-61. Separately issued, folding map: dissected into 21 sections and mounted on linen. 22 x 32 1/2. Lithograph. Two penciled ships' courses drawn. Some finger browning and surface smudging. A few sections slightly lifting. Overall, good condition.

An exceedingly detailed sea chart of the Atlantic Ocean showing from Labrador to French Guyana in the Americas and from England to the Bight of Benin in Africa. Hundreds of ports are designated and some of the archipelagos have population statistics attached. Comparative miles for established sea routes are given. In the United States, not only are the navigable rivers shown, but also the network of canals that link the navigable waterways. A fine picture of the Atlantic world. $175

Samuel Lewis. "Lewis' Map of Scotland. Southern Division." London: Samuel Lewis & Co., ca. 1845. Separately issued, folding map: dissected into 33 sections and mounted on linen. 24 5/8 x 51 1/2. Engraving. Original hand color. Excellent condition. Folding into original leather covers. Spine worn at hinges and top, but complete and intact.

The southern section of Lewis' multi-sheet map of Scotland, complete as issued in its folding cover. Detail is exhaustive, with towns, parks, lochs, and roads all precisely engraved on a hachured topography that gives a wonderful sense of the terrain of southern Scotland. An attractive vignette of Melrose Abbey graces the bottom left corner. $175

J. Bartholomew. "The World on Mercator's Projection." London: G. Phillip & Son, 1856-74. Separately issued, folding map: dissected into 24 sections and mounted on linen. 19 1/2 x 25. Lithographed in colors. Some browning at folds and minor surface smudges. In original red cloth case stamped in gold. Case states that it is from "Philips' Series of Travelling Maps."

A mid-nineteenth century world map that primarily illustrates the routes and distances between many ports for steamships. Countries are differentiated by colors and detail is very good. As per the cover label, the map was intended for travelers. $225

"Table of Distances By Rail, Road, & Sea, Between The Principal Towns In The United Kingdom And The Most Important Cities In The World." Leeds: John Lennox, 1862. (From cover; Abraham Huddleston, Leeds, listed as publisher on chart itself.) Separately issued folding chart. Lithograph. Original hand color. Excellent condition. With original cloth covers, with repaired spine.

A fascinating and decorative table of distances for England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The chart provides distances along roads, railroad routes, and by sea, and also includes some distances for other cities around the world from the British Isles. Though the chart includes copious information, it is neatly presented in a readable manner and with some visual appeal. $250

"The Oarsman's and Angler's Map of the River Thames From Its Source To London Bridge." London: James Reynolds & Sons, 4 April 1881. Separately issued, folding map, mounted on linen. 102 x 5 1/2. Lithographed in color. Very good condition. Folding into original cloth covers with gold embossing.

A narrow folding map that follows the Thames from its source to London, issued as a practical guide for boaters or anglers on the river. The course of the river is depicted with distances from London Bridge noted, and indications of roads, towns, weirs, locks, toll paths, railroads, inns, farms, and much else along the way. Also included are notes on the various towns, docking places, ferries, and so forth, making this a guide that would have well prepared any boatman on the Thames in the 1880s. $175

"Carte Générale Des Routes et des Chemins de Fer de La France." Paris: E. Andriveau-Goujon, 1891. Folding map; dissected into 28 sections and mounted on linen. 25 1/4 x 31 5/8. Lithograph. Full original color. Time toned and with some smudging in margins. Separated at a few folds. Otherwise, very good condition.

A highly detailed road map of France near the end of the nineteenth century. The map shows all the major roads throughout France as well as the railroads, the two transportation networks forming an impressive web covering every part of the country. This folding map was intended for use by travelers and its detail would certainly would have made it an excellent tool by those moving about France. Other details include the roads and railroads of southern England and detailed inset of Paris. The quality of the map is demonstrated by the label and end papers on this particular copy showing that it was sold by leading British map publisher Edward Stanford. $275

S. Percy Smith. "Map of the North Island, New Zealand." Wellington, N.Z.: New Zealand Survey, 1892. Separately issued, folding map: dissected into 16 sections and mounted on linen. 36 1/4 x 25 5/8. Wax engraving, printed in color. With manuscript line in pencil, showing course around island. Otherwise, excellent condition. Folding into original cloth cover.

A detailed and brightly colored map of the north island, New Zealand, issued by the New Zealand General Survey Office. Detail, based on the latest information, includes towns, rivers, lakes, roads, railroads (to 1887), and provincial boundaries. Very attractive as well as impressively informative. $275


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