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In Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair Prints

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Vanity Fair

ApeSpy From 1868 until February 5, 1914, Vanity Fair, a weekly magazine of social, literary and political content, was published to the delight of Victorian and later, Edwardian England. Most popular of its features were the wonderful full page caricatures of famous men and women of the day, prints that remain Vanity Fair's great legacy. The two most famous artists who worked for Vanity Fair were "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini) and "Spy" (Leslie Ward), but many other artists provided images for this long running series of delightful caricatures.

Early on, in response to a charge by The Daily News that Vanity Fair caricatures were devoid of humor, Thomas Gibson Bowles, founder, owner and editor until 1889, described the caricatures which appeared in his magazine; "There are grim faces made more grim, grotesque figures made more grotesque, and dull people made duller by the genius of our talented collaborator 'Ape'; but there is nothing that has been treated with a set purpose to make it something that it was not already originally in a lesser degree." To publish with these visual caricatures, Bowles also wrote the accompanying biographical commentaries under the pseudonym 'Jehu Junior.' Bowles' goal in writing these epigrams was to reflect in prose that which was presented graphically.

In addition to these enduring illustrations, Vanity Fair regularly included features such as 'Double Acrostics,' 'Doublets,' and 'Hard Cases,' all word games, as well as book and theatre reviews, financial advice columns, serialized fiction, travel reports, fictionalized exchanges of letters and special reports on the Season. Articles on such topics as political, economic and social news were standard, though as the magazine evolved, political reports were de-emphasized in favor of society news and gossip. Though often frivolous in its topics, consistency of quality in its literary reviews, and sound advice on investments in the financial columns, show that Vanity Fair was informative as well as amusing.

Each image (not including titles and margins) measures about 7 x 12" or slightly larger.


Subject Index


Table of Artist's Signatures and Names

AJMArthur H. MarksGuthJean Baptiste Guth
AlickAlick P.F. RitchieHesterWallace Hester
Ao or ArmadilloRoland L'EstrangeImpJulius Mendes Price
ApeCarlo PellegriniJBPSir Bernard Partridge
ATNAlfred ThompsonjmpJulius Mendes Price
BulboSir Max BeerbohmJoplingJoseph Middleton Jopling
CBCuthbert BradleyJTJJames Jacques Tissot
CecioniAdriano CecioniKYORobert W.G.L. Braddell
CGFrancis C. GouldLIBLiberio Prosperi
CGDSir C.G. DuffmJames Jacques Tissot
CHAMCount Amadee de NoeMaxSir Max Beerbohm
CloisterSir C.G. DuffMontbard or MDCharles Auguste Loye
CoideJames Jacques TissotNastThomas Nast
CorboldA.C CorboldNemoConstantine de Grimm
DelficoMelchiorre DelficoNvyNevin Koshy Azkaheth
D'EpinayProsper Comte d'EpinayPALJean de Paleologue
DrawlSir Leslie WardQuipFred Whisstock
EBNEardley NortonQviz or QuizzJohn Page Mellor
ELFLuke FildesRitchieAlick Penrose Ritchie
FCGSir Francis Carruthers GouldRuthSir Max Beerbohm
FGF. GoedeckerSicWalter Richard Sickert
FTDF.T. DaltonSingeCarolo Pellegrini
FlaggJames Montgomery FlaggSpySir Leslie Ward
FurnissHarry FurnissStuff or Stuff GH.C. Seppings Wright
GAFG.A. FothergillTTheobald Chartran
G.D.G.Godfrey Douglas GilesVERFrancois Verheyden
GoF. GoedeckerwagA.G. Witherby
GownsmanH.C. Sepping WrightWVW. Vine
GrimmConstantine von Grimm


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