Glossary ofPrintmakingNomenclatureand Abbreviations |
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Index: [ A| B | C| D | E | F | G| H | I | L | M | O | P | S | Z ]
Abbreviation | Meaning |
A.f. | Etched by |
A.P. | Artist's proof |
Appresso | Published by |
Apud | Published by |
Aquaforti fecit, aquaforti, Aquaf., Aq. | Etched by |
Aquatinta, aq:tinta | Aquatinted by |
A.V. | Augusta Vindelicorum; that is, published in Augsburg, Germany |
Bon á tirer, B.A.T. | Proof print for use by the printer |
Caelavit, cael. | Engraved by |
Chez | At the house of |
Composuit | Drawn by, referring to drawing from which the engraver, lithographer, etc. worked |
Cum privilegio | Privilege to publish from some authority |
Delineavit, delin., delt., del. | Drawn by (cf. composuit) |
Descripsit | Drawn by (cf. composuit) |
Designavit, desig. | Drawn by (cf. composuit) |
Dessiné | Drawn by (cf. composuit) |
Direxit, direx. | Directed by (head of workshop) |
Divulgavit, divulg. | Published by |
Dressé(e) | Drawn by (cf. composuit) |
Écrit | Written by (lettering) |
Effigiavit, effig. | Drawn by (cf. composuit) |
Engd., Eng. | Engraved by |
Épreuve d'Artiste, E.A. | Artist's proof |
Ex coll. | From the collection of |
Excudit, excud., exct., exc. | Printed by; published by |
Ex Officina | From the workshop of |
Ex Typis | From the printing house of |
Faciebat, fac. | Made by |
Fecit, fec., f. | Made by |
Figuravit, fig. | Drawn by (usually after an original painting) |
Formis | At the press of |
Gezeichnet, gez. | Drawn by (cf. composuit) |
Gravé | Engraved by |
Gravure | Engraving |
Hors Commerce, H.C. | Not for sale; outside the regular commercial run |
Impressit, imp. | Printed by |
Incidit, incidebat, incid., inc. | Engraved by |
Inventor, invenit, invt., inv., in. | Designed by (original work) |
Lithog., litho., lith. | Lithographed by (either drawn on stone or lithographic publisher) |
Maculature | A second impression taken from a matrix without re-inking |
On stone by | Drawn on lithographic stone by |
Pinxit, pins., pictor, ping. | Painted by (original work) |
Scripsit, scrip. | Engraved text |
Sculpsit, sculpt., sculp., sc. | Engraved by |
Sumptibus | At the expense of |
Zusammengetragen | Compiled by |
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Wayne, PA 19087 USA
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